Cuma, Kasım 10, 2006

Implementation of a Distributed Data Partitioning Algorithm

Topic is the title of my thesis project. This thesis project is an implementation of a distributed data partioning algorithm, called APDES(Adaptive Parallel Discrete Event Simulator). APDES is a simulation platform for non-deterministic applications. I am going to implement the project with c++ on Fedora core 6 platform, and test the algorithm's performance with 4 pc environment. This environment is funded by Tubitak.
This algorithm developed from a hybrid approach of data partitioning. This approaches performance calculated at the Beowulf cluster of the High Performance Computing Center ULAKBIM, of the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council TUBITAK and the local cluster of the International Compuetr Institute at EGE University by my intsructor work, and performance incerement observed.

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