Evince version : 0.5.3 source version
O.S. : Ubuntu - Dapper 6.0.6
Project steps;
-apt-remove evince
-compiled evince, form source, installed dependent packages.
-apply, plugin-patch recompiled evince with mozilla option, solve some autotool, and plugin dependent problems
-after successful installation, firefox crashes because of plugin dependent error, fixed it!
All projects published in planet-gnome/wsop2006
p.s. (for turkish community) sth happened but we will learn later, alltogether...
6 yorum:
Ok i deleted my previous question, can you tell me the way of testing of a mozilla plugin, in another browser.
thank you!
ok. i will keep in mind, and try this as soon as possible, i will be there in a few days!
ay in a day dicektim, in a few days dedim, aman neyse, hosgorun, uykusuzum!
Is there going to be any functionality in this that doesn't make sense to put right into Evince?
I'm just wondering if there's ever a corner case where turning off the special "http" URI scheme handler gives me any disadvantage.
Currently, when I click a link to a PDF file, it opens in Evince using GNOME VFS without saving to permanent storage, first. Which is nice.
@diego : its grammer correction, but not critic so i wrote in Turksih.
@alex : in wsop interval, i won't take part in evince, only plug-in
@gnrfan : ok, i am going to send ASAP, i can
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