download Drscheme self-installing shell script from one of the mirrors on page.
>>Open a terminal
-My suggestion is ->Pardus->Programs->System->Terminal
>>type this command as user
chmod +x plt-301-bin-i386-linux.sh
>>type this command as root
-sh plt-301-bin-i386-linux.sh
If you want to install DrScheme under your user's home directory, you could also run this script with your user's permissions, but i can't achieve this.
-when you run this script, it is going to ask for directory to install DrScheme. I perefer /usr/local/bin
>>change diretory (with 'cd' command) to path where you install DrScheme
>>type this command as root
Now DrScheme is installed. I dont understand why but, DrScheme does not give permission to run as root or as user. So type;
-sudo drscheme
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2 yorum:
Kurulum bittikten sonra en son olarak kurduğum dizinde sudo ./drscheme dediğimde programın splash ekranı gözüküyor, bileşenler yükleniyor gösteriliyor fakat tam program açılacakken konsolda "Parçalama arızası" yazarak uygulama sonlanıyor. Nedendir acaba?
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aslında ezbere bir cevabım yok, ama konuşarak çözüm bulabilirdik...
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