Perşembe, Temmuz 20, 2006
wsop-first screen-shot of evince-mozilla plugin!
Evince version : 0.5.3 source version
O.S. : Ubuntu - Dapper 6.0.6
Project steps;
-apt-remove evince
-compiled evince, form source, installed dependent packages.
-apply, plugin-patch recompiled evince with mozilla option, solve some autotool, and plugin dependent problems
-after successful installation, firefox crashes because of plugin dependent error, fixed it!
All projects published in planet-gnome/wsop2006
p.s. (for turkish community) sth happened but we will learn later, alltogether...
Pazartesi, Temmuz 03, 2006
db2dart komutu ve silemedigim kolonlarim..
Raporlama yaparken kimi zaman veritabani baglantisini gerceklestiremiyoruz. Sanirim deneme yanilma ile otomatik olsuturulan sistem tablolarinin bozulmasindan kaynaklandigi bulunmus. Veri tabaninin backup'ini alip tekrardan restore islemini uygularsak sorunumuz cozuluyor.
db2dart ile veritabanini kontol edebiliyoruz. En basit hali ile komu su sekilde calisiyor;
Bir rapor hazirliyor (databasename.rpt).
Hatayi cozemesekte nerde olduguna dair simdilik bir fikrimiz var. Amacimiz tekrar restore'a gerek kalmadan problemi cozmek.
Bir de;
-alter table drop column yapamamak. Sanirim db2 buna izin veriyor. droptan sonra beklenen degere ornek olarak "constraint" veriyor ama bunu da basarabilmis degilim.
db2dart ile veritabanini kontol edebiliyoruz. En basit hali ile komu su sekilde calisiyor;
Bir rapor hazirliyor (databasename.rpt).
Hatayi cozemesekte nerde olduguna dair simdilik bir fikrimiz var. Amacimiz tekrar restore'a gerek kalmadan problemi cozmek.
Bir de;
-alter table
Pazar, Temmuz 02, 2006
WSOP/Kesinlikle cok mutluyum..
We're delighted to tell you that your application has been accepted for
our Women's Summer Outreach Program. Congratulations!
Just to give you an idea of how fierce the competition was, we received
around 100 applications for 6 places -- you should be proud of
yourself. :-)
We'll be in touch over the next day or so to start chatting about money,
how to get in touch with your mentor and getting started with your
project. In the meantime, congratulations on your acceptance, and please
let us know ASAP if you can't be part of the program for some reason.
- The WSOP coordinators.
We're delighted to tell you that your application has been accepted for
our Women's Summer Outreach Program. Congratulations!
Just to give you an idea of how fierce the competition was, we received
around 100 applications for 6 places -- you should be proud of
yourself. :-)
We'll be in touch over the next day or so to start chatting about money,
how to get in touch with your mentor and getting started with your
project. In the meantime, congratulations on your acceptance, and please
let us know ASAP if you can't be part of the program for some reason.
- The WSOP coordinators.
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