Java konusunda bir kac arkadasa ders anlatmaya basliayacagim. Gecenlerde birisi 'polimorphism' ne diye sordugunda elime kalem kagit almadan ve unlu kutucuklarimi cizemeden tek kelime anlatamadim. Aslinda o kutucuklar iyi oluyor sonra kagidi eline alip dusunebilmesine firsat sagliyorum ama edecek bir kac affilli soz edinsem iyi olur. Bunun icin basliktaki kitabimi bastan okumaya basladim. Kitapta java'da ki datastructures (veriyapilari) ile ilgili bir alinti cok hosuma gitti.
"Ask not what you can do to your data structures, but what your data structures can do for you."..
Çarşamba, Nisan 26, 2006
Pazartesi, Nisan 24, 2006
Pazar, Nisan 16, 2006
How to Run DrScheme on Pardus?
Programming Languages dersinde Scheme ile kod yazmamiz istendi. Bende DrScheme'i Pardus'a yukledim. Yararlanmak isteyen arkadaslar icin buraya yaziyorum.
download Drscheme self-installing shell script from one of the mirrors on page.
>>Open a terminal
-My suggestion is ->Pardus->Programs->System->Terminal
>>type this command as user
>>type this command as root
If you want to install DrScheme under your user's home directory, you could also run this script with your user's permissions, but i can't achieve this.
-when you run this script, it is going to ask for directory to install DrScheme. I perefer /usr/local/bin
>>change diretory (with 'cd' command) to path where you install DrScheme
>>type this command as root
Now DrScheme is installed. I dont understand why but, DrScheme does not give permission to run as root or as user. So type;
-sudo drscheme
Kullanmak isteyen arkadaslara afiyet olsun diyecegim ama sanirim pisi paketi de yapilmis. Artik baska Linux dagitimlarina uygulamak isteyenler kullanirlar.
download Drscheme self-installing shell script from one of the mirrors on page.
>>Open a terminal
-My suggestion is ->Pardus->Programs->System->Terminal
>>type this command as user
chmod +x
>>type this command as root
If you want to install DrScheme under your user's home directory, you could also run this script with your user's permissions, but i can't achieve this.
-when you run this script, it is going to ask for directory to install DrScheme. I perefer /usr/local/bin
>>change diretory (with 'cd' command) to path where you install DrScheme
>>type this command as root
Now DrScheme is installed. I dont understand why but, DrScheme does not give permission to run as root or as user. So type;
-sudo drscheme
Kullanmak isteyen arkadaslara afiyet olsun diyecegim ama sanirim pisi paketi de yapilmis. Artik baska Linux dagitimlarina uygulamak isteyenler kullanirlar.
Çarşamba, Nisan 12, 2006
Ruby's vs Python 's Inheritance
Ruby ogreniyorum. dan "What's Ruby?" kismini okuyup neymis ne degilmis bakarken Ruby'nin 'single inheritance' saglayan Object Oriented bir dil oldugunu ogrendim. Hazir multi-inherited bir dil olan Python'u da ogrenirken dedim ogreniyim aralarinda ki avantaj farki ne? demis ki;
-Ruby features single inheritance only, *on purpose*. But Ruby knows the concept of modules.
But kismi aklima kurt dusurmustu ki, Tekin arkadasim ya felsefe yapmis, geciniz, takilmayiniz dedi. Soyle ki;
-A extends B
-B extends C
*So we see that A uses the methods of C freely! We can say that A extends C, and Java becomes multi-inherited, but it is not.
Ruby modulleri import ederek bu modullerin methodlarinin kullanabilecegini ve bunun karisik olan multi-inheritance'dan daha iyi oldugunu soylemis.
Bakip gorecegiz... demis ki;
-Ruby features single inheritance only, *on purpose*. But Ruby knows the concept of modules.
But kismi aklima kurt dusurmustu ki, Tekin arkadasim ya felsefe yapmis, geciniz, takilmayiniz dedi. Soyle ki;
-A extends B
-B extends C
*So we see that A uses the methods of C freely! We can say that A extends C, and Java becomes multi-inherited, but it is not.
Ruby modulleri import ederek bu modullerin methodlarinin kullanabilecegini ve bunun karisik olan multi-inheritance'dan daha iyi oldugunu soylemis.
Bakip gorecegiz...
Salı, Nisan 11, 2006
Meet IBM db2
Calismaya basladim, ogrendiklerimi yazmak icin burayi actim. Sanirim yeterli bir giris konusmasi oldu :)
-DB2 Backup:
-Make a remote connection to db2 server machine if necesarry.
-Run db2 Control Center
-Make a command editor connection
->Before taking a backup we should be sure about that all connections to our database were blocked.
- force application all;
-backup db databasename to path
SImdilik Linux'a gecemedim. Kendi makinama yapacagim ram takviyesinden sonra, kurulumdan itibaren gectigim tum asamalari yazmayi planliyorum. Umarim bir gun birilerinin isine yarar!
-DB2 Backup:
-Make a remote connection to db2 server machine if necesarry.
-Run db2 Control Center
-Make a command editor connection
->Before taking a backup we should be sure about that all connections to our database were blocked.
- force application all;
-backup db databasename to path
SImdilik Linux'a gecemedim. Kendi makinama yapacagim ram takviyesinden sonra, kurulumdan itibaren gectigim tum asamalari yazmayi planliyorum. Umarim bir gun birilerinin isine yarar!
Pazartesi, Nisan 10, 2006
Comin' up From Behind!
IBM db2....... Ruby..... Python....... Enterprise Java...... PHP........ PostgreSQL..........
Superman'im ya ben, hih!
Superman'im ya ben, hih!
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